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Welcome to DAY 6 of the 21 Day Free Printables Series! If your kids are anything like mine then they are always scrounging around the kitchen looking for something to eat. I find that having a list of healthy snack options available gives them all a good idea of what to snack on. Plus it helps me keep the pantry stocked with healthy snacks to pop into lunch boxes.
The ‘what’s for dinner’ question plagues me. If I am not organised or if I’ve been a little lazy about writing out my meal plan for the week, then everything seems to fall apart. This 30 Days of Dinners planner makes Dinner planning a whole lot easier. It gives me a general overview of meals to cook for the month and helps make my weekly meal planning a lot quicker.
How to Use your Healthy Snacks Printable
Keep a copy of your 50 Healthy Snack ideas on the fridge. It’s really useful for the kids to read through when they are searching for that snack. Plus it makes that after school munch session a whole lot easier. They just pick one thing off the list and it’s sorted!
DAY 6: 50 Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids
How to Download
This printable is part of a FREE 21 Days of Printables Series only available to my subscribers. The Master list of all 21 printables can be found here.
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