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Here’s what can happen when you start drinking water for 30 days, without changing anything else in your diet or exercise routine. It’s pretty awesome stuff.
Drinking Water For 30 Days
I get it. There are so many drinks on the market and just so much choice, water can become something that’s a last resort drink: You’ve raided the fridge, checked the cupboards and there’s nothing in and so depending on how thirsty you are, it might have to be water.
The kids get used to having shakes and fruit juices and water can seem so…boring. So we need to reframe it and think of it as what it is: An awesome thing you can do for your health and comes with some amazing health benefits. It’s not in competition with the fruit juices and the shakes, it’s a whole different thing.
Replacing all your drinks for water and drinking water for 30 days does some amazing things to our bodies.
Our body needs water to function effectively. We all know it, but not many pay attention. I hope this article changes that.
The effects of dehydration on our brain, body and mood has recently received a lot of focus from researchers and the results are better than expected.
After 30 Days of drinking water you can expect to see the result’s I’ll talk about below.
Only Drinking Water
Only drinking water and eliminating all the soda, juices and alcohol from your diet for 30 days is going to have some pretty major effects.
For many of us, it’s not doable to only drink water for 30 days straight. Personally, I could cut out alcohol easily, juice & soda I don’t drink much of anyway so wouldn’t miss them.
But coffee? I really need my coffee :)
Yes, I could probably give it up if I tried, but you know what? I don’t want to. So, will drinking water for 30 days still have the same effects even with my 3/4 cups of coffee? Yep, it will. Increasing your water intake is only going to do good things for your body.
Do your best, it’s good enough!
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- How Dehydration is Making you Sick and Fat
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What Happens If You Drink Water For 30 Days
Water. What a thing!
You’ll Get Smarter
Your mental creativity and performance will be boosted because your brain starts to react faster, according to the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Journal. Drinking 8 to 10 cups of water per day can improve your cognitive performance by as much as 30%.
You’ll Be Happier
The same study also tested the effect of water drinking on Mood. The emotions assessed were afraid, confused, sad, angry, energetic, tired, happy, and tense.
Participants experienced an elevation in all positive emotions like ‘Happy’ and ‘Energetic’ and a decrease in negative moods such as ‘Sad’ and ‘Angry’. This was attributed in part to an increased cognitive ability within our brain cells.
You Will Lose Weight
Drinking water for 30 days will essentially reboot and Detox your system. Drinking clean water flushes out toxins and improves the metabolic functions within the body.
Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning can improve your metabolism by up to 24%. The effect of the warm water tightens the intestines, which helps with digestion and regulates bowel movements.
This makes your body cleaner, leaner and more effective at processing your meals and build up of fat within our cells. If you start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon or Lemon Tea, you will help your body break down the adipose tissue (or body fat) in your body.
You’ll Age More Slowly
Drinking water decelerates the ageing process by keeping your skin cells hydrated and improving elasticity. The internal moisturizing effect keeps your skin smooth and healthy by improving circulation needed to feed the cells and expel toxins creating a glowing, youthful effect.
The increased hydration helps repair damaged cells, maintain muscle tone and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
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How Long Do You Need To Drink Water To See Results?
As soon as you drink a glass of water your body will start to rehydrate. Depending on how dehydrated you are, and some estimates believe 75% of us dehydrated to a degree, it may take more or less time to start seeing the results.
Way before you start to see results though, your body will be getting the benefits. You’ll notice you pee far more than you thought possible. It can be annoying when you first up your water intake, but it’s a good thing. You’re flushing yourself through, and your body will get used to it.
How Much Water Per Day Is Too Much?
There are various guides you can find telling you how much water you should be drinking each day, and I’m certainly not qualified to know. However, everything I do I tend to do in moderation when it comes to food and drink, and whatever it is, it’s got to be workable, for me and for the kids.
What I’m trying to say is that I replace the regular drinks we have with water. Instead of fruit juices with meals or a shake or whatever you normally have, replace it with water.
My kids have a water bottle each they’d take to school, and that’s water and there’s a fountain at school that they can refill their bottles with. For me, I have a few rules that aren’t rules at all, but I try to stick to. Every coffee I have I’ll have a glass of water before hand. Water’s more filling than I’d ever thought and it’s this that stops you snacking too. Always a bonus :)
I make an effort to drink more water than normal, at least every hour I’ll have a glass but it’s not excessive. I certainly wouldn’t advise making yourself drink vast quantities at a time, and it can in fact lead to an imbalance of your electrolytes, which you don’t want.
The idea is to replace the drinks you have now and maybe up it slightly.
Drinking Water For 30 Days: Before And After
In an Article published by the Daily Mail, a 42-year-old mother documented the effects of her water drinking. She succeeded in reversing the effects of aging and appearing at least 10 years younger in the 30 day experiment.
She says “I genuinely can’t believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. The dark shadows around my eyes have all but disappeared and the blotches have gone.
My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child. The transformation is nothing short of remarkable. I’m feeling leaner and fitter, too, which is amazing, since the only thing I’ve changed is the amount of water I drink. You can read more on her experience here.
Bethan at Face over 40 definitely experienced a positive result from in increased consumption of water. After only 10 days into the experiment she concluded that “Fine lines under my eyes have reduced! Really, really pleased.
I know it’s quite subtle, but that’s after just 10 days. I haven’t changed any skincare routine (in fact, didn’t even take my make up off a couple of nights because I was so tired!), my diet or anything else I’ve been drinking, although I did get my eyebrows done half way through – seeing the before photos made me realise they needed doing! I think the results basically show that my skin was dehydrated”.
Carol Haxworth also took on the 30 day Water Drinking Challenge, and although she doesn’t see much difference herself, I think she looks amazing. She does say, “I only did this to see whether keeping myself fully hydrated would make a difference to how I felt …. and YES it did!”.
You’ll Eliminate Constipation
Unfortunately Woman are more prone to this little dilemma because of the extra hormone activity within our bodies. This can make our digestive system a little sluggish. Drinking water for 30 days will alleviate or eliminate constipation by increasing the moisture content within the bowel, softening stool and stimulating bowel movement.
You’ll Get More Done
Feeling Tired all the time? Find your mind wondering or stuck in a cycle of procrastination? Drinking water will change this. Hydration gets your metabolism firing, brain zinging and muscles activated. Your productivity and results will improve.
Oh, It Doesn’t End here
The negative effect of Dehydration is hugely underrated. According to this study, up to 80% of our children are heading to school every day dehydrated. This has a detrimental effect on their concentration, productivity and energy levels.